Obama-gogue: Fat Cats, Power Pigs & Class Warfare



CANDIDATE OBAMA: “Well, Charlie, what I’ve said is that I would look at RAISING the CAPITAL GAINS TAX for purposes of FAIRNESS.

Candidate Obama:“WE SAW an article today which showed that the TOP 50 hedge fund managers made $29 billion for 50 individuals.

Saul Alinsky: “The agitator’s job is first to bring folks to the ‘realization’ that they are indeed miserable, that their misery is the fault of unresponsive governments or greedy corporations.”

President Obama cited Las Vegas trips as an example of CORPORATE GREED RUN AMOK.

Victor Davis Hanson: OBAMA ACCUSES jet-setting corporate grandees of draining the federal treasury at the expense of  “kids’ scholarships”?  340 planned conventions and business meetings have been canceled there, costing the gambling mecca 36,700 hotel-room nights and an estimated $130 million in non-gambling revenue.  

It was only a five-second soundbyte, meant for Wall Street FAT CATS asking for GOVERNMENT BAIL OUTS.

“You can’t get corporate jets … you can’t go take a trip to las vegas or go down to the super bowl on the taxpayer’s dime,” President Barack Obama said to a town hall meeting in Elkhart, Ind..


Military Pegs HOURLY  Air Force One COST at $181,000 as Obama Sets Travel Record

Obama and Air Force One: It’s GOOD  to have a 747    January 3, 2011


The average American could buy a house  for the amount of money it takes to run Air Force One every  hour. 

President Obama, has spent more days abroad in his first two years than any other president.  they used air force one for their private vacation at a cost of $180,000 per hour and it’s an 18 hour round trip.  barack obama made the trip twice, so just the cost of two round trips  on air force one rang up to a grand total of $6.48 MILLION.  on at least one airline trip in the presidential fleet, the only passengers aboard were the first canine and his handler. 

Robert Keith Gray just wrote presidential perks gone royal: your taxes are being used for obama’s  re-electionreveals how the cost of maintaining the first family has gone completely out of control COSTING TAXPAYERS $1.4 BILLION PER YEAR. 

DOG WALKER is also always on hand. one was reported to be paid $102,000 a year to walk and pick up after the first-family’s canine.

The British spent $57.8 Million on its royal family last year.

We Americans spent nearly $2 BILLION on HOUSING, TRANSPORTING, ENTERTAINING, STAFFING, our First Family and paying a hefty portion of the president’s campaign expenses”


In a political culture that long ago surrendered to the permanent campaign, Obama has managed to take things to a whole new level. 

According to statistics compiled, the president has already set a record for total first-term fundraisers — 191 — and that’s only through March 6. Measured in terms of events that benefit his reelection bid, Obama’s total (inflated in part by relaxed fundraising rules) exceeds the combined total of  George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter

OBAMA: CAMPAIGNER-in CHIEF ?  Middle East Burns, Economy Sputters, Obama Drops by Letterman.  Obama tapes a letterman gig later today in new york city, and then attends afundraiser hosted by music stars jay-z and beyonce.  Afterward, the President spoke to a $12,500-per-family crowd of about 200 at a campaign event at the Waldorf Astoria. The visit tothe Big Apple was crowned by a $40,000-a-ticket dinner tonight hosted by Beyoncé and her husband Jay-Z.

OBAMA: CAMPAIGNER-in CHIEF ? the president does not have TIME for a face-to-face meeting with Netanyahu when the Israeli prime minister is in New York next week for theopening of the United Nations General Assembly. President Obama raised millions tonight in New York at two fundraisers, and he also got in his second visit with David Letterman since taking office.It’s inexcusable that traffic on the Westside of Los Angeles will be GRIDLOCKED FOR HOURS TODAY SO THE PRESIDENT CAN ATTEND FUNDRAISERS.

If it was for official state business, sure, but seriously inconveniencing hundreds of thousands of drivers for several hours during peak rush hours SO A POLITICIAN CAN RAISE MONEY FOR PARTISAN PURPOSES IS AN ABUSE OF POWER.

Obama: campaigner-in chief ? all so a few FAT CATS can funnel money to politicians, presumably with the expectation they will get something in return.

last year [2010] obama flew in air force one 172 times, almost every other day.